Dentures in


What Are Dentures?

A high-quality set of dentures replace much more than just missing teeth. They also replace lost confidence, your ability to eat a versatile diet, and enunciate. Losing teeth doesn’t only leave you with gaps in your smile. 

It causes bone loss that can cause changes to your facial features and bite, resulting in less support around the mouth. As a result, certain sounds become difficult to pronounce, and hard and chewy foods become difficult to eat. 

A denture will transform your life by restoring most of your tooth functionality to normal. Contact us to schedule an appointment with Arvada dentist Dr. Kim.

dentures in Arvada

Did you know…

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After extracting your teeth for full dentures, your gums will need about 8 to 12 weeks to heal.


(720) 779-0088

The Dentures Placement Process

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Dr. Kim needs to see you for a consultation to determine what type of denture is right for you.

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A dental lab fabricates your custom dentures based on impressions we take of your mouth. Your dentures will be custom-fit to the measurements of your mouth. We also measure how your bite comes together.


The first trial fitting is to check how the dentures fit. Adjustments are expected at this point, so you can tell us if anything needs to be changed.

Official Fitting

After making the adjustments, we will hold a final fitting to ensure that you’re happy with your dentures.

Denture Options

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Partial Dentures

A partial denture is a type of denture that’s made of plastic and is connected through a metal wire framework. It is used to replace one or a few missing teeth in the mouth, effectively restoring the smile and preventing teeth from shifting. 

The advantage of partial dentures have over bridges is that they can replace teeth on either side of the mouth with a single denture. With the help of the abutment teeth, we can use metal clasps that hook onto them and hold the denture in place.

Full Dentures

Full or complete dentures are used to replace entire arches of teeth. This is not recommended for patients who are only missing a few teeth because we need to extract the remaining teeth to fit the denture over the gums. These dentures are held in place through natural suction and they effectively reduce the lack of support in the face to reduce sagging. 

Did you know…

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Dentures are often covered by dental insurance by up to 50% of the cost.


(720) 779-0088

Have Questions About Dentures? Find Answers Here.

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Am I a Good Candidate for Dentures?

Anyone who is missing teeth, whether it’s minimal or extensive, is a suitable candidate for dentures as long as they have no active oral health problems. Dentures are an excellent alternative to bridges and dental implants because they are more accessible to the broader population. 

They’re cheaper, a faster fix, and they don’t require a lot of jawbone structure to be eligible. Some people will never make good candidates for implants and that’s where dentures can be a saving grace.

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How Many Hours a Day Should You Wear Dentures?

You should wear your dentures for as long as you need throughout the day to perform tooth functions. However, remember to take them out at night and soak them in a denture-cleaning solution to maintain their moisture. 

Don’t be tempted to keep your dentures in overnight, as this can cause bacteria to build up in the mouth, leading to oral thrush and gum disease. Your oral tissues also need rest from the constant pressure the dentures place against them throughout the day.

Ideally, you should be keeping your dentures in all day and only take them out at night. However, when you first start wearing a new denture, it can feel uncomfortable and may even cause some mild pain.

As you adjust to the denture over this first month, you should keep your dentures in for at least 8 hours a day. This is enough time for your gums and jawbone to get used to the dentures without requiring you to feel extreme discomfort. 

Wearing your dentures for this long prevents sore spots from forming. The only exception to this is that your dentist may advise you to keep your dentures in all the time for the first few days to help your gum and jawbone get accustomed to this foreign object in your mouth.

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What Can You Eat on the First Day After Getting Dentures?

While you will be able to incorporate most of the foods you know and love into your diet over time, it’s important to ease into it. When you first receive a new denture, your mouth detects a foreign object that is exerting pressure on the gums and jawbone that it isn’t used to. 

This can cause a lot of unusual symptoms as you adjust, which usually takes about a month. Because you aren’t used to chewing with dentures yet, and you are likely going to deal with some soreness and tenderness, you should stick to very soft or liquid foods in the first few days. 

On day one, the less chewing a food requires, the better. Some good options are applesauce, pudding, mashed potatoes, meal replacement shakes, soups, oatmeal, Jell-O, pureed vegetables, and yogurt. 

As time progresses, you can start to eat more solid foods, but this should be done slowly and progressively. More solid but still soft foods include bread, pasta, cooked vegetables, soft meats, and beans. Avoid hard and sticky foods and tough meats. 

Nuts, seeds, candy, and peanut butter can dislodge, damage, or cause uneven chewing distribution. You don’t have to completely swear them off forever, but it’s best to limit them as much as possible. You should definitely not eat these foods on the first day of getting dentures.

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What Is the Lifespan of Dentures?

Partial dentures have a maximum life expectancy of 15 years, and full dentures last, on average, for 7 to 10 years. Many factors affect the lifespan of your dentures, including the type of denture, the materials it’s made from, your lifestyle, diet, and oral hygiene.

The thing with full dentures is that even if the denture itself may last for up to 10 years, patients with extensive tooth loss suffer from bone resorption. Because chewing forces from tooth roots no longer stimulate the jawbone, bone loss worsens over time. 

This can cause changes to your facial structure, requiring replacing your dentures sooner. Arvada dentist Dr. Kim will examine the condition of your dentures during your regular checkups.

Did you know…

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It takes about a month to adjust to new dentures.


(720) 779-0088
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