Restorative Dentistry in Arvada

What is restorative dentistry?

Restorative dental treatments are a group of procedures that repair and enhance dentition to get patients back to exceptional oral health. From repairing cavities with simple fillings to replacing teeth with dental bridges or dentures, restorative treatment can help your smile become healthy once again. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with Arvada dentist Dr. Kim at Candelas Dentistry.

restorative dentist in Arvada

Did you know…

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The longer you leave a dental issue untreated, the more severe and more costly it becomes.

Ready to schedule your appointment?

(720) 779-0088

What to expect at your initial restorative appointment

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Comprehensive Exam

To begin, your dentist will examine your teeth and assess the extent of your dental issue. X-rays may need to be taken at this time to ensure proper diagnosis.

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Recommended Treatment Plan

Once your issue has been diagnosed, your dentist will provide you with a recommended treatment plan for your approval.

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Alternative Options

Many dental issues have multiple treatment options. Missing teeth, for example, can be treated with dentures, dental bridges, or dental implants. Your dentist can discuss all options with you and help you choose what’s best for your lifestyle, budget and needs.

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Sedation Options

We offer sedation for patients undergoing restorative procedures to keep them more comfortable and relaxed during treatment. Your dentist will discuss the available sedation options and offer recommendations on what’s best for you.

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Scheduling & Follow Up

In some cases, like emergencies, you’ll need to receive care right away, likely the same day. But if your issue is not urgent, your follow-up appointments will be after your initial visit. Before you leave, we’ll schedule your treatment for a day and time that works for you.

Restorative Treatment Options

View our services

Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are the best way to treat and fill cavities in decayed teeth. Your dentist will use a drill to remove damage and decay in the enamel of your tooth. Then, they will use a material such as a tooth-colored dental resin or metal amalgam to restore the shape and structure of your tooth. Timely intervention with a filling is essential if you have a cavity. If left untreated for too long, your tooth could decay further and potentially require a dental crown and/or root canal therapy. If you are in need of a filling please visit our office at 14749 West 87th Pkwy, Unit C, Arvada, CO 80005.

Lab-Made Crowns

Lab-made crowns are made with the help of a dental technician at an outside dental lab. Dental crowns restore damaged teeth by covering the entire tooth down to the gumline. Your dentist will trim your tooth to remove damaged material, then shape it into a strong, sturdy platform to which the crown will eventually be attached.

Impressions are taken of the tooth using dental trays and putty or a digital intraoral scanner. These impressions are then sent to the dental lab where your crown will be made out of a high-quality material, such as ceramic or porcelain. 

You will receive a temporary crown during your first appointment, after your tooth has been prepared and impressions have been taken. At your second appointment, after your dental crown is complete, your dentist will permanently attach your new crown to your tooth.

Same-Day Crowns

Same-day crowns use CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design/Manufacturing) technology and a specialized milling machine to carve out a dental crown within minutes at your dentist’s office. 

Similarly to lab-made dental crowns, same-day crowns will restore damaged teeth by covering the entire tooth down to the gumline. Your dentist will trim your tooth to remove damaged material, then shape it into a strong, sturdy platform to which the crown will eventually be attached.

Your dentist will take a 3D scan of your teeth and upload the images to a computer. Those images are then sent to the milling machine, which immediately begins to craft your crown. Your crown will be complete in just a few minutes, and then your doctor will attach it permanently. This process allows you to get immediate same-day care and a crown in a single appointment.

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge uses two dental crowns to suspend a pontic, or false tooth, in the gap where a natural tooth has been lost. The crowns are attached to healthy abutment teeth — the teeth adjacent to your missing tooth. A metal framework is often used to attach the false tooth to the crowns. A dental bridge can last for years and prevent your other teeth from shifting over time.

Full & Partial Dentures

Partial dentures use false teeth and a metal and plastic framework to replace one or multiple missing teeth. They clip directly onto your remaining healthy teeth, restoring your smile, your bite, and your self-confidence. They are a convenient and affordable way to get your smile back, and typically don’t take too long to create.

Full dentures are used to replace the upper arch, lower arch, or both arches of your teeth. They are only used if you have more serious dental health issues or have lost most or all of your natural teeth. This is because you must have all remaining teeth extracted in order to have a full set of dentures fitted.

Did you know…

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Tooth enamel is the hardest structure in the human body; even harder than the femur bone!

Interested in restorative services?

(720) 779-0088

Have questions about restorative dentistry? Get the answers.

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What dental problems can restorative dentistry solve?

Restorative dentistry is used to restore damaged and missing teeth. Tooth damage or loss often occurs due to issues like untreated cavities, severe decay, and gum disease. But issues can also happen due to oral trauma or injury, like a slip and fall or an accident.

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What are the benefits of restorative dental treatment?

Restorative dental treatment helps you avoid future complications and more costly treatment options. Leaving a damaged or missing tooth untreated will often result in more serious dental issues in the future. You can save time and money by getting care right away.

You’ll also get relief from pain and discomfort, and regain your natural functionality. Imagine being able to enjoy your favorite foods once again because you’re able to bite and chew normally.

Finally, restorative dental treatment also restores your appearance. Missing or damaged teeth can look unnatural and unsightly. Restorative care allows you to regain your smile and your confidence. 

When is restorative treatment a dental emergency?

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Any dental health issue that is causing serious pain, oral discomfort, or bleeding is an emergency and likely requires emergency restorative treatment. This includes things like damaged or broken teeth, severe and prolonged toothaches, and pulled-out or lost dental work. When in doubt, it’s better to be safe than sorry, so contact your dentist to get emergency treatment right away.

Is restorative dentistry covered by insurance?

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It often is, but the extent of your coverage will vary depending on your insurer. For example, your dental insurance plan may cover dental crowns and bridges, but may not offer coverage for dental implants. We recommend contacting your insurance provider to get a thorough understanding of your coverage and any limitations. 

Did you know…

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About 25% of American adults have no teeth. Restorative care prevents this tooth loss.

Ready for your next dental appointment?

(720) 779-0088
Proudly serving Arvada, Coal Creek Canyon, Leyden, & the Candelas Community.

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